Premium Shared Hosting is the most affordable and very commonly used website hosting by more than 85% web sites globally. Fast Shared hosting is recommended for small or start-up websites such as personal sites or blog sites, which are only informative web site. Buying Shared hosting is recommended for websites which not very busy sites. So this is the most economical solution to host your website at a very low cost. BlueHill Hosting offers several different options with affordable shared hosting plans for shared hosting solutions to suit every client's needs.
Shared Hosting
Simple and powerfull hosting for everyone.
Our shared hosting plans are perfect for those just starting out with their online presence, or for small businesses looking to expand their online presence without breaking the bank. With our user-friendly control panel, managing your website has never been easier.
We look forward to hosting your website and helping you build your online presence!

100% Free Hosting
Ideal solution for beginners.
Free unlimited $0
Top Features
- 10 Websites
- 2GB Bandwidth
- 300MB Webspace
- No Email
- Standard Performance
Also Includes
- 100% FREE SSL
For those need to run single site.
30 Days Free
from $3.95/m regular $7.99
Top Features
- 1 Website
- UNMETERED Space/Bandwidth
- Email Send limit 30/day
- Discounted .com Domain
- Standard Performance
Also Includes
- 20 Parked Domains
- 5 Parked Domains
- 25 Sub Domains
- 100% FREE SSL
For those need to run multiple sites.
30 Days Free
from $6.95/m regular $14.99
Top Features
- 5 WebSites
- UNMETERED Space/Bandwidth
- Email Send limit 60/day
- FREE Domain .com/.us
- Standard Performance
Choice Plus
Great Value and Performance.
30 Days Free
from $12.99/m regular $19.99
Top Features
- 10 WebSites
- UNMETERED Space/Bandwidth
- Email Send limit 100/day
- FREE Domain .com/.us
- 2X Performance
Sell Online
Start Your own E-Commerce Site
from $9.99/mo*
Woocommerce Shop
Top Features
- 10 WebSites
- UNMETERED Space/Bandwidth
- Business Email
- FREE Domain .com/.us
- 6X Performance
Power of Shared Hosting

Shared web hosting is an excellent solution for personal, small business, and medium-sized business websites. It is the most popular type of web hosting, and it is a great way to get your website online quickly and easily.
One of the main advantages of shared hosting is its affordability. Users can have their own website at a fraction of the cost of a dedicated server. Additionally, shared hosting is available in a wide variety of plans, making it easy to find one that fits your specific needs.

Features that brings maximum power to your website.
Shared Hosting Domains
When you purchase our premium shared hosting or any other shared web hosting, You can get Free domains with eligible WordPress to share hosting packages. Also, you can easily manage your multiple web domains from one screen. All the basic or advanced actions like Transfer, update, purchase, and administer any of your domain names from our Client web dashboard by navigating to >> "Web Domains" screen. You can purchase and host unlimited domains with qualified shared web hosting plans, including parked domains.
99.99% Server Uptime
Our premium shared hosting platform is smart enough to self-manage the website resource utilization based on the shared web plan you purchased. So, in other words, you don't have to worry about downtime or outage because your website is on a shared web server hosting plan. Every premium shared hosting plan website get their share of resources. This leads to the maximum uptime for all shared web hosting websites. This means your website will be up and running 99.99% of the time. Anyone who misuses the resources gets the notifications, and they need to upgrade their package to the next premium shared hosting plan to accommodate any extra resource utilization. This makes our shared web hosting services secure and reliable.
1-Click Plan Upgrades
We try to keep our web services reliable and stable by educating our customers when their website starts getting high traffic so that there should be no outage because of less web hosting power. So we offered a web hosting platform where our customers can upgrade their premium shared hosting plans with just 1-Click. During the Upgrade, most of the time, there is no downtime unless the customer requests a major upgrade of server resources. So our customers can upgrade their web services very easily without any interruption or knowledge. But in case they need any technical help, our customer support is always ready to help.
Free Auto SSL
When buying shared hosting, all shared web hosting plans offered come with the Auto SSL Let's Encrypt. This auto SSL is the basic online security required to establishes a secure connection between your website and your visitors. All the information, like sensitive data, is safeguarded by SSL using data encryption.
Optimized Hosting for Wordpress Websites

Fast & Easy
Make Some Great Websites

Shared Web Hosting Plans FAQ's
When we say fast shared hosting, that means your website will be sharing the cost of a dedicated shared web hosting server with other websites, so buying shared hosting is always the most economical choice compared to other types of hostings like VPS server hosting, etc. If your website is a blog or a small site and you want a fully managed shared web hosting solution, then Shared server hosting is the best option. The main benefit is that you have no need to worry about applying security patches to your hosting server. You also get Free SSL and free Server maintenance with shared web hosting.
Shared Hosting is the type of web hosting where one server's resources are being shared among many websites. And all sites run on the same server. Whereas dedicated hosting means your website or mobile app is hosted on a dedicated server that is only used for your website. Both shared and dedicated hostings can host WordPress websites. So when you are buying our web hosting plans shared or dedicated hosting plans, you can host any website on any plan. Only you need to decide about how fast hosting is required based on the size and web traffic.
The main difference between Shared and VPS Server hosting is Site traffic, Site Type, Cost, and Speed. The Shared hosting is low cost as it uses a shared server, so cost is low vs. VPS Server hosting cost is high. Shared Server is slow, as it shares the resources with multiple clients and sites vs VPS hosting has dedicated resources, so performance is better due to dedicated resources. Shared hosting is good for small and personal sites; otherwise, use VPS hosting.
Getting started with BlueHill Hosting is very simple and easy. Just select the Shared or dedicated hosting plan suitable for your needs. Once you make the payment, you get an order confirmation email. You are all set. The email contains all the necessary information to start. It contains all the links and credentials to log in. Once you Login you click on the Web Panel login link, it automatically takes you to the web control panel, from where you select the "Softfamous automation" link or WordPress Installation, and you will see all the different options you need to set up your web site for the 1st time.